VPA Number: 10825/021/001
Presentation: 5ltr
Active Ingredient: dicyclanil
Indications: VECTOR POUR ON is used in the treatment and control of ticks, headflies and biting lice in sheep. Vector Pour-On is also used to prevent blowfly strike.
Dosage: 0.7-2ml (7.5-25mg dicyclanil) per kg bodyweight
Meat Withdrawal: 7 days
Milk Withdrawal: Not permitted for use in sheep producing milk for human consumption.
8-10 week protection
VPA Number: 10825/021/001
Presentation: 5ltr
Active Ingredient: dicyclanil
Indications: VECTOR POUR ON is used in the treatment and control of ticks, headflies and biting lice in sheep. Vector Pour-On is also used to prevent blowfly strike.
Dosage: 0.7-2ml (7.5-25mg dicyclanil) per kg bodyweight
Meat Withdrawal: 7 days
Milk Withdrawal: Not permitted for use in sheep producing milk for human consumption.
8-10 week protection