Ambic Pera Spray Unit

- Spray system to disinfect clusters with Peracetic Acid between milkings
- Reduces transmission of mastitis pathogens from cow to cow
- Quicker and more effective than cluster dipping
- Utilises safe, environmentally-friendly low-concentration chemical
- Low capital investment means short payback period
About Peracetic Acid
The milking cluster is a well known source of transmission of mastitis pathogens from cow to cow. Once an infected cow has been milked, the next 6 to 8 cows milked through that same cluster are at risk of contamination, the first 1 or 2 cows being exposed to a particularly high level of risk.
Sanitation of the cluster between cows is an effective method of reducing the risk of contamination by killing any pathogens present in the cluster before it is re-attached to the next cow.
Peroxyacetic acid (also commonly known as Peracetic Acid or PAA) has been found to be a particularly effective means of cluster sanitisation for the following reasons:
- Highly effective at very low concentration levels – typically 0.05 to 0.1%
- Minimum contact time of only 10 seconds required to be effective
- Liners only need to be shaken off before being re-attached to next cow – no rinsing required
- PAA breaks down into harmless components – carbon dioxide, water and oxygen, so no problems relating to milk taint or contamination
- PAA is environmentally friendly (and approved for organic milk producers)
- No known microbial resistance to PAA
* Independent research by Silsoe Spray Applications confirms that use of the PeraSpray™ system is safe under normal milking conditions
- Spray system to disinfect clusters with Peracetic Acid between milkings
- Reduces transmission of mastitis pathogens from cow to cow
- Quicker and more effective than cluster dipping
- Utilises safe, environmentally-friendly low-concentration chemical
- Low capital investment means short payback period
About Peracetic Acid
The milking cluster is a well known source of transmission of mastitis pathogens from cow to cow. Once an infected cow has been milked, the next 6 to 8 cows milked through that same cluster are at risk of contamination, the first 1 or 2 cows being exposed to a particularly high level of risk.
Sanitation of the cluster between cows is an effective method of reducing the risk of contamination by killing any pathogens present in the cluster before it is re-attached to the next cow.
Peroxyacetic acid (also commonly known as Peracetic Acid or PAA) has been found to be a particularly effective means of cluster sanitisation for the following reasons:
- Highly effective at very low concentration levels – typically 0.05 to 0.1%
- Minimum contact time of only 10 seconds required to be effective
- Liners only need to be shaken off before being re-attached to next cow – no rinsing required
- PAA breaks down into harmless components – carbon dioxide, water and oxygen, so no problems relating to milk taint or contamination
- PAA is environmentally friendly (and approved for organic milk producers)
- No known microbial resistance to PAA
* Independent research by Silsoe Spray Applications confirms that use of the PeraSpray™ system is safe under normal milking conditions