High Energy Complementary Colostrum Feed For Calves and Lambs
1. Provides vital primary nutritional support to give the best start to life.
2. Aids the immune system in defending against pathogenic organisms.
3. When quantity or quality of colostrum is inadequate, CALF & LAMB SUPERSTART provides a highly digestible source of energy and protection.
4. Easy mixing formulation.
5. Certified EBL, IBR and Johne’s free.
6. Number of feeds per container
High Energy Complementary Colostrum Feed For Calves and Lambs
1. Provides vital primary nutritional support to give the best start to life.
2. Aids the immune system in defending against pathogenic organisms.
3. When quantity or quality of colostrum is inadequate, CALF & LAMB SUPERSTART provides a highly digestible source of energy and protection.
4. Easy mixing formulation.
5. Certified EBL, IBR and Johne’s free.
6. Number of feeds per container