Deosan Target Pre Post 20L Teat Disinfectant

Deosan Target: the new family of teat disinfectants from Deosan. Developed to tackle the current and future needs of the modern dairy farm Highly effective 6000ppm Chlorhexidine Biocide
- Delivers efficacy against Staph. aureus, Strep. uberis, E.coli and yeast.
- For use before milking as a high bubble foam before or after
- Supports exceptional teat hygiene for cows managed inside or out.
- Soil removal technology maximises disinfection before and after milking
- Contains glycerine promoting soft supple teat skin
Deosan Target: the new family of teat disinfectants from Deosan. Developed to tackle the current and future needs of the modern dairy farm Highly effective 6000ppm Chlorhexidine Biocide
- Delivers efficacy against Staph. aureus, Strep. uberis, E.coli and yeast.
- For use before milking as a high bubble foam before or after
- Supports exceptional teat hygiene for cows managed inside or out.
- Soil removal technology maximises disinfection before and after milking
- Contains glycerine promoting soft supple teat skin