Ideally suited for an instant hit of trace elements and vitamins .Boviboost is a fast acting mineral and vitamin drench,which will help in redressing any vitamin and mineral imbalances in your herd.??BOVI BOOST is a Premium mineral drench of Copper, Cobalt, Iodine and Selenium with added vitamins of B12, A, D3 and E.??Essentials nutrients that helps support life and maintain animal health and breeding.??Cows and Cattle DOSING:?50ml at housing?50ml pre service?50ml pre turn out??Calves?5ml per 50kg
Ideally suited for an instant hit of trace elements and vitamins .Boviboost is a fast acting mineral and vitamin drench,which will help in redressing any vitamin and mineral imbalances in your herd.??BOVI BOOST is a Premium mineral drench of Copper, Cobalt, Iodine and Selenium with added vitamins of B12, A, D3 and E.??Essentials nutrients that helps support life and maintain animal health and breeding.??Cows and Cattle DOSING:?50ml at housing?50ml pre service?50ml pre turn out??Calves?5ml per 50kg