
Agrimin's 24/7 Magnesium Bullets are a dietetic complimentary feed for cattle & sheep. They are sustained release boluses containing a combination of magnesium, copper and aluminium. These boluses are designed to help in the prevention of hypomagnesaemia in animals grazing on rapidly growing spring grass. 24/7 Magnesium Bullets will help farmers to manage the magnesium status of their herd during the periods of highest risk. About 24/7 Magnesium Bullets 24/7 Magnesium Bullets are moulded metal cylinders made from a magnesium/aluminium/copper alloy. After administration, they remain in the animal's reticulum or at the base of the rumen. There, they break down, providing a continuous release of magnesium by electrolytic solution. They provide a magnesium release for four weeks. Components Magnesium 86% Aluminium 12% Copper weighted with iron shot 2% Each bolus contains either 40g or 15g of magnesium.
Agrimin's 24/7 Magnesium Bullets are a dietetic complimentary feed for cattle & sheep. They are sustained release boluses containing a combination of magnesium, copper and aluminium. These boluses are designed to help in the prevention of hypomagnesaemia in animals grazing on rapidly growing spring grass. 24/7 Magnesium Bullets will help farmers to manage the magnesium status of their herd during the periods of highest risk. About 24/7 Magnesium Bullets 24/7 Magnesium Bullets are moulded metal cylinders made from a magnesium/aluminium/copper alloy. After administration, they remain in the animal's reticulum or at the base of the rumen. There, they break down, providing a continuous release of magnesium by electrolytic solution. They provide a magnesium release for four weeks. Components Magnesium 86% Aluminium 12% Copper weighted with iron shot 2% Each bolus contains either 40g or 15g of magnesium.